Cannabidiol derived from cannabis or hemp has decades of medical history. It is ideal for treating numerous diseases and disorders, from autism to Crohn’s disease, epilepsy, rheumatoid arthritis and even the side effects of chemotherapy. There are several types of CBD, and to make the right decision, good knowledge is very important.


What is THC?

Tetrahydrocabbabidiol (THC) is a crystal-like compound and is one of the most active marijuana ingredients. It has psychological effects that make you feel high. There is a lot of debate as well as controversy over THC.  According to the research, THC has anandamide like structure. Anandamide is a brain chemical used for communication that can be identified by the brain. However, this ends up changing brain perceptions such as movement, thinking and memory, perception, processing pleasure and reward and concentration.


Though, it is still used in the form of lotions, balms and also other topicals for anti-inflammatory treatment. With different legal issues, the only treatment made with a synthetic drug approved by the FDA is Marinol.


What does it mean by THC-free?


You must be wondering that THC-free means that CBD has no CBD at all. In terms of CBD products manufacturing, this is not the case. The content of THC should be less than 0.3% to be considered as commercial-grade hemp in the US many other jurisdictions. Therefore, when purchasing CBD products, there may be small amounts of THC in the product. THC amount is so small that they will not appear on any drug test and will not cause any feeling of euphoria. As these THC traces are undetectable, CBD with THC less than 0.3% is THC-free.


Why do some people only go for THC-free CBD?


There are many reasons why people choose to buy a cannabidiol product that does not contain detectable THC. The apparent reason will be to comply with local laws if they require that you only buy these types of products. But there may be another reason to avoid positive marijuana tests if you need to get tested for drugs.


Although you can assume that tiny amounts of THC in most cheap CBD products on the market today will not be detectable in drug testing, the truth is that you can never be sure.

CBD oil containing less than 0.3% THC is unlikely to appear on a drug test for a new job. But if you don’t want to take chances, THC-free cannabidiol is probably a better way to go.

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